Black Hills 2003

            Dave and I…stop in Anthon, IA stay with my sister Jacque….where I grew up! Toured the South Dakota Badlands, Black Hills and Devils Tower.  Stayed in Deadwood…….Kevin Costner…..has a business there….first floor…casino, second floor sports bar….top floor, Jakes, a five star steak house. We call for reservations, gal tells me 9:30 !  So we decide to go over about 7…thinking we’ll get seated earlier. Get off the elevator…ask the hostess standing there if we could get dinner…..and she says stone cold….”I told you 9:30 !!!”  So laughing we go down stairs to the sports bar to wait.  Only ones there….and Mary is our bartender….a college girl! We sit there about an hour and the hostess comes and gets us. We order a $350 bottle of wine….comes in a crystal decanter.  Sioux Indian couple sitting at the table next to us ask the waiter how come we a decanter….he tells them….and laughing I say hey…you can’t tell people what we spend.  The couple turns out to be awesome….he was ¼ Dakota Sioux….she was 1/8…..they got $250,000 a year from the Casinos on their reservation!  After dinner, they went with us to see Mary downstairs…..after a couple drinks….Mary was getting off and took all five us out and about Deadwood.


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